Side Load Containers
Roll Offs USA makes durable side loaders with 12 gauge body panels and a 1 piece body wrap.
These come in 1-½, 2, 3, and 4 yard sizes with your choice of PakMor Arms or Emco Hooks.
- Sizes: 1.5YD, 2YD, 3YD, and 4YD
- 12 ga. Body panels
- 12 ga. Floor
- 1 ½” X 2 ½” Structural tubing on top rails
- 10g full length bottom runners
- Formed floor runners are capped and sloped front and back to reduce parking lot damage
- Robotically formed and welded lid systems
Lid Options
- 2 Piece plastic
- ½ Metal, 2 piece plastic
- 3 Piece metal
- 3 Piece metal w/ bear locks
Lifting Options
- EMCO hooks
- Pak-Mor arms w/pin
- Pak-Mor arms w/angle